We can offer conventional blood testing, ranging from the standard wellness workup to more advanced and technical blood analysis as offered by conventional labs and used by physicians everywhere. Blood count and blood chemistry, thyroid panels, iron and liver panels, blood hormone levels, blood sugar, and Vitamin D levels are among the many tests available.
Genetic Analysis and Nutrigenomics
Is the answer "you're just born that way" a little to vague for you? The new field of Nutrigenomics examines how your genes and your nutritional status interact to determine how your body reacts to the world around you. Learn how you can be the best your DNA can be with simple testing and consultation.
Neurotransmitter Screening
Feeling blue? Mood issues affect a vast number of Americans during their lifetimes. Many turn to pharmacuticals and anti-depressants, but there are natural approaches that can help as well. By screening the intermediates of the chemical signals in your brain, we can determine which nutritional approaches might be best to help sharpen your cognitive function, improve your mood, and get you better sleep.
Parasite and Dysbiosis Screening
The balance of bacteria and other probiotics in the gut can control your digestion, daily energy, immune system, and weight loss among many other factors. Even people who never travel can find themselves overrun by organisms as fearsome sounding as Candida, Hemolytic streptococcus, H. pylori, or Klebsiella. Find out what unwanted houseguests may be occupying you and how they may be inhibiting your goals of wellness.
Food Intolerance Testing
Every system in the body can be susceptible to food intolerances, which can exists even without intestinal symptoms. From your brain to your bones and everything in between, food intolerance and allergy testing is a constantly changing field. We offer an array of tests depending on your needs to examine what foods may be eating you back.
Hormone and Stress Hormone Testing
Both men and women experience changes in their hormones, and many women in the United States suffer from difficulties with fertility and their cycle. "Brain fog", loss of libido or energy, or weight gain, can all also be hidden signs that hormones are imbalanced. Your stress hormones often have a love/hate relationship with other hormones, and also control your daily energy levels. We offer both conventional blood and salivary testing to examine hormone levels and cycles in both men and women and see how the stress hormones controlled by the adrenals can be balanced to bring you a calmer you.
Environmental toxins and Heavy Metal Analysis
Mercury, lead, and cadmium are among the common heavy metals in the environment that can lead to increased risk of various issues such as Alzheimer's disease, chronic fatigue, and fibromyalgia. Urinary heavy metal analysis can offer insights into which metals may be affecting you and help target therapies to remove them.
Mycotoxin Screening
The molds and fungi around you, living in your homes, offices, and schools can leave you with symptoms as far reaching as fatigue, fibromyalgia, seasonal allergies, neuropathy, or even just "Brain Fog". A simple urinary test can tell you quickly if you have been exposed to any of these 'mycotoxins' in your environment.