Gluten Free Diet and Lifestyle
Gluten, gluten everywhere...
Gluten is a large, globular protein found in wheat, barley, and rye, and contaminates most oats.
Gluten sensitivity and celiac disease (an over allergy to gluten) is on the rise, and according to the University of Chicago's Center for Celiac Disease, the rates top 1 in every 133 Americans. Far from being a "fad" in diagnosis, the diagnosis and management of gluten sensitivity is rapidly becoming realized as an essential and foundational aspect of helping patients with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, autoimmune conditions, weight and blood sugar problems, heart disease and more. If you suspect you have gluten sensitivities, please get tested, and if you need help beginning on this lifestyle, feel free to join us for one of our free classes. Or Come by the Wellness Center today for an information packet to begin a gluten free lifestyle. Check out our Links page for more Gluten Free Resources |
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