Integrative Health and Wellness Consultations Disclaimer
The attending consultants are not allopathic doctors (M.D.’s), but are health and wellness consultants. Please fully understand the difference between the practice of allopathic medicine and wellness consulting.
Dr. Carsrud's consultations - as per TBCE regulations - are designed to address disruptions in the subluxation complex and support wellness and homeostasis. Any supportive supplements suggested likewise are designed to support overall health, and are not designed to treat and specific medical condition or disease state.
The services provided by the attending consultants are not allopathic, but holistic or naturopathic in nature. The attending consultants perform their services within the parameters of a natural health care and wellness system. The attending consultants do not offer allopathic drugs, surgery or chemical stimulants or radiation therapy. Consultations and suggestions are designed to promote overall wellness and not diagnose or treat specific medical conditions.
Please only solicit the attending consultants’ services in good faith, exercising free will and following the dictates of your own conscience to allow you to select what you understand is most beneficial to your health.
We openly offer counsel, advice, opinions, points of view and/or programs within the scope of the attending consultants’ wellness practice. However, should you desire any services not provided by nor within the scope of the attending consultant’s wellness practice, which is your prerogative, we fully understand and support seeking them elsewhere.
The attending consultants are in no way encouraging you to terminate any previous and or current therapies other doctors have started.
These consultants are not diagnosing, nor treating diseases, but are providing information and supplements to restore natural balance and optimum function for health and wellness.
We require signatures for supervisors for minors or those being signed for due to legal incompetency.
The diagnostic screens used at Lakeline Wellness Center do not diagnose or treat. They are screening tools designed to gain a better understanding of my degree of “health” (not disease), so I will have a greater self-awareness and be able to use a self-care program for daily living.
You will be given opportunity ask any questions about this disclaimer at time of service to answer any doubts or questions and will be asked to sign a waiver reflecting your understanding of these disclaimers.
Dr. Carsrud's consultations - as per TBCE regulations - are designed to address disruptions in the subluxation complex and support wellness and homeostasis. Any supportive supplements suggested likewise are designed to support overall health, and are not designed to treat and specific medical condition or disease state.
The services provided by the attending consultants are not allopathic, but holistic or naturopathic in nature. The attending consultants perform their services within the parameters of a natural health care and wellness system. The attending consultants do not offer allopathic drugs, surgery or chemical stimulants or radiation therapy. Consultations and suggestions are designed to promote overall wellness and not diagnose or treat specific medical conditions.
Please only solicit the attending consultants’ services in good faith, exercising free will and following the dictates of your own conscience to allow you to select what you understand is most beneficial to your health.
We openly offer counsel, advice, opinions, points of view and/or programs within the scope of the attending consultants’ wellness practice. However, should you desire any services not provided by nor within the scope of the attending consultant’s wellness practice, which is your prerogative, we fully understand and support seeking them elsewhere.
The attending consultants are in no way encouraging you to terminate any previous and or current therapies other doctors have started.
These consultants are not diagnosing, nor treating diseases, but are providing information and supplements to restore natural balance and optimum function for health and wellness.
We require signatures for supervisors for minors or those being signed for due to legal incompetency.
The diagnostic screens used at Lakeline Wellness Center do not diagnose or treat. They are screening tools designed to gain a better understanding of my degree of “health” (not disease), so I will have a greater self-awareness and be able to use a self-care program for daily living.
You will be given opportunity ask any questions about this disclaimer at time of service to answer any doubts or questions and will be asked to sign a waiver reflecting your understanding of these disclaimers.
This site does not provide medical or health care advice, please consult your physician regarding any health needs you may have. Please read and understand our full website terms of use and disclaimer.
Chiropractors, such as Dr. Carsrud, are allowed by law in the State of Texas to diagnose and treat the subluxation complex and it's subsequent neurologic, biochemical, and pathologic sequellae. All diagnostic screens and tests are used to better define the nature of subluxation in a given patient. All advice offered by Dr. Carsrud during the course of treatment is to reduce the subluxation complex via neurologic feedback via the viscerosomatic reflex as documented in the Meric Chart and as taught as basic philosophy in every chiropractic curriculum. Any subsequent visceral, organic, or physiologic manifestations therefore are a direct reflection of the reduction of said subluxation complex and should not be taken as a attempt to directly treat any system outside of the neurobiomechanical subluxation complex.
Dr. Carsrud strongly suggests that all patients maintain any advice given to them by their prescribing physicians and share any and all information with them that might lead toward greater co-management of the patient.
If there are any questions, please direct them to Dr. Carsrud, or feel free to contact the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners for further information.
Any concerns that this sounds like legal boilerplate that might likewise only serve to confuse the patient and obfuscate a clearer understanding of their problems should be addressed to your State Representative with the express request to clarify the Texas Medical Practice Act and the Texas Chiropractic law. These issues will only be fixed by careful examination by your elected officials.
Dr. Carsrud is currently licensed to practice in the State of Texas.
Dr. Carsrud strongly suggests that all patients maintain any advice given to them by their prescribing physicians and share any and all information with them that might lead toward greater co-management of the patient.
If there are any questions, please direct them to Dr. Carsrud, or feel free to contact the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners for further information.
Any concerns that this sounds like legal boilerplate that might likewise only serve to confuse the patient and obfuscate a clearer understanding of their problems should be addressed to your State Representative with the express request to clarify the Texas Medical Practice Act and the Texas Chiropractic law. These issues will only be fixed by careful examination by your elected officials.
Dr. Carsrud is currently licensed to practice in the State of Texas.